Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Kempsey Show

First of all let me tell you that I am sorry I have not blogged for a while. I have been too sick, but looking at your blogs has been a great comfort for me and I have tried to keep up with my comments. If I have missed you I am sorry, but I have a date for my operation now, which is June 4 and so then I will be back as soon as I can and back into blogging, which I love to do.

The Kempsey Show was a great event and though I was sick I took my grandchildren and was able to get some pics. Enjoy!

Savannah won first place for her arrangement, by the time I took the pics it had wilted a little. This is her work, and she was so proud.

See Liams little potato animal taking a peep around!

They both just loved the baby animals


Pip said...

Looks like everybody had a good time at the show. No need to worry if you haven't been blogging Marilyn, after all it is "your" blog. Hope all goes well with your operation
take care

Eclectic Chic Style said...

Looks like a wonderful day, and Congrats to her on her First Place, that is amazing, she did wonderful!!!
So sorry to hear you haven't felt well at all, I had wondered where you were, but you take care of yourself, and you will be in my prayers for a successful operation and recovery.
♥ Teresa

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Marilyn,
Looks like everyone had a grand time. Congratulations to your little granddaughter! Hope you're feeling better soon and that the operation goes well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
Local shows are so much fun!
I love ours when it comes around & this year I am going to sign up for a place on the show society commitee for next years show. I have been a 'local' all of my life & I feel that this way I can 'give back' & make it bigger & better for future generations.
Pass on to Savannah a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on her 1ST PLACE. Very clever girl!
I am thinking of you as your operation gets nearer, don't worry about how much or when you blog, we will all be here for you when you need us.

easytravel said...

great picture. Thanks for share. See you on my blog also. I'll wait your coming.

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