Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My Dear Friend (and namesake) over at Victorian Cottage has given me this Fabulous Award!! What a great way to brighten the day!!

*Here are the award rules:
List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love!
Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won!
You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole world are KREATIV!

I Love:

1. Blogging, blogging, blogging and did I mention blogging!
2. Shopping with my daughter Heidi
3. Sour Green Apple Straps
4. High tea
5. Rainy weather and being snug just a few feet from where it is falling
6. Everything Pink
7. Lavender

Until Later!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Marilyn

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll try to do a post about my trifle but if I don't get a chance I'll send you the recipe. It's simple but good! My sisiter-in-law was born in Ireland and she gave me the recipe.

Joanne Kennedy said...

What a sweetheart for giving the award to me. I'll post it on my blog.

I have to tell you that I get so excited to see people from the other side of the world reading my blog and to think they like it enough to give me an award is such an honor! Thank you so much.

Love your blog by the way. It's so fun to see it being summer when we have winter and winter when we have summer.

Have you ever been to the USA? I have not been lucky enough to go to Australia yet. But my cousin is married to a girl from there. So I've learned a lot about it.


Eclectic Chic Style said...

Congratulations on your blog award!!! Have a sweet day!

~♥~ Monica S said...

Thank you so much Marilyn! I love that fall rain too... and being inside safe and warm :-)
It's so funny this world of ours.. like you mentioned in your last post... you are heading towards fall, and up here we're facing spring...

Thanks again!

FEDERICA said...

Thank you so much Marylin! It's a great way to start a long day of work!

P.s. The right link is


~♥~ Monica S said...

I have something for you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ya'!
Couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more!! Your blog is lovely!!

xo.sorcha.ox said...

Hi Marilyn!
Thanks for the award! It took me awhile to realise you'd given me one, but I am finally here to collect it, so thank you.
It has also been great to read all your news. take care!